Wing Chun Illustrated Reviews Tom Wong's Book

Lafayette Harris

Many people in the Western world are familiar with Grandmaster Ip Man and the history and people associated with him. As a Wing Chun practitioner,you are probably familiar with various stories about how and when Wing Chun originated. And, also know there are many lineages of Wing Chun. But do you know what Wing Chun has two very different branches? Aumei Wing Chun and Shaolin Wing Chun.
Sifu Tom Wong's new book, Secret Origin of Wing Chun: 2200 Years of Training, History, Philosophy, and Development of Ancient Chinese MMA, will shed some light on the subject and make it much clearer.
At age six, Tom started studying Wudang Kung Fu and Aumei Chi Gong as a disciple of Grandmaster Lu Ji Kem. At 12, he studied under Grandmaster Sum Neng of the Yuen Kay San/Sum Neng lineage of Wing Chun. In 1989, Grandmaster Nung appointed Sifu Wong as one of the youngest of four chief instructors.
We have all heard about the history and stories of Ng Mui and Yim Wing Chun, but Secret Origin of Wing Chun adds more insight to your historical knowledge. I enjoyed reading about a deeper perspective of Wing Chun history, giving you a better understanding of the knowledge you may already have.
There is so much history that has been researched, but there is a lot you may not have heard or read about. You may be familiar with certain techniques, ways of training or practice, however, Tom shares information that will open your eyes to an entirely new side of Wing Chun that might be unfamiliar to many practitioners in the West.
I am always interested in learning about all the different lineages of Wing Chun and seeing how various ideas and techniques work-the differences between them and the benefits that come with them.
Tom explains the differences between Aumei and Shaolin Wing Chun styles in many areas, such as Chi Sau, the Wooden Dummy, Sil Lum Tao, Bil Jee, weapons training, etc. When reading this fantastic book, checkout and pay close attention to the "Arrow Step Punch". For anyone who may be unfamiliar with this technique, it is one of the most important ones to learn and build upon throughout your training.
In addition to footnotes, diagrams, and photos, the book contains cross-references to names of people and technical terms. Although the book focuses mainly on the Aumei style of Wing Chun from Yuen Kay San/Sum Neng lineage, Secret Origin of Wing Chun is a must-read for any practitioner because it provides in-depth insights into the historical and philosophical roots of Wing Chun, and how they apply to effective fighting. Highly recommended.
Lafayette Harris from Wing Chun Illustrated